During my session, I started in with my story of the abuse that had been hurled at me by a woman who was unhappy with a decision I had made in my capacity as music director of a church. I completely froze when this person attacked me. My spirit was flattened and I shut down, unable to say anything in my own defense or even protect myself. Chandra shifted my way of thinking about this experience completely. I immediately felt a huge oppressive load lift from my spirit, and the depression that was lurking around the edges of my spirit disappeared. I was able to stand up to the woman with healthy boundaries that shut down her abusive and bullying behavior. The next day, on my drive to work, new ideas began to bubble up about how to revitalize the music program; fun ideas that had never occurred to me before which actually gave me a sense of joy. Before my coaching session, I had been completely unable to think of any solutions to the problem and kept going back to unworkable, boring solutions. After my session, the vista opened, ideas started popping up, and a rush of joy and excitement returned to the job, which I basically do enjoy and love.