
By Chandra Lynn

Eight hundred entrepreneurs packed a ballroom for four extremely long days, and I not only was one of them, but I was one of the ones that played full out! The timing was perfect because I launched glowliving.com on the first day of the Academy and was ready to learn everything I could on how to best serve my new community.

IMG_4810As I sat in the uncomfortable, tightly-packed seats, I buzzed with excitement for all that I was learning but also from seeing the new member signups to Glow Circles rolling in! I was doing exactly what Brendon was encouraging.

In my heart, I launched the site knowing I was on the right track but I still had fear about whether I was able to attract an audience, deliver a depth of content that served to the highest of my abilities, and find a way to monetize so I can continue doing this as my purpose-filled life’s work.

Driving home from the conference, however, I became overwhelmed with emotions of hope and complete confidence for what’s coming next. Listen here:

My 5 Takeaways:

  1. I have the authenticity, heart, and deep knowledge necessary to attract the right people to my work, and ultimately help people transform their lives.
  2. I need dedicated focus on creating valuable products that deliver an effective framework that people can use to put my knowledge to work for real results. It’s going to be hard as Hell but I can do it!
  3. Though there is a learning curve with the technology necessary to create a platform to support my huge vision, there is no better time because the solutions are available and affordable like never before.
  4. In the next 18 months, there is going to be a HUGE wave of new people getting on to the internet through home computers and mobile devices, and it will continue to grow exponentially over the next five years which means now is the right time to get established and attain a significant audience!
  5. I have to practice speaking and getting comfortable in front of the camera, and push through the discomfort, to give you the opportunity to really know me and have access to my knowledge base. As a result, this will be the year of video production so get ready to get sick of seeing my talking head!

Needless to say, I’m here! I’m doing this! And you’re here too…thank you and stay tuned!


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  1. Judi 9 years ago

    Wonderful! Thanks for sharing! <3

    • Author
      Chandra Lynn 9 years ago

      Thanks for acknowledging this as a big step for me, Judi! Your support is my backbone.

  2. Kriz Bell 9 years ago

    your words framed what i’ve been afraid my work would fail at and would not provide. But somehow hearing you say it (again! we’ve been saying this to each other for awhile and you know the rule about repeating…) out loud here it’s resonating!

    • Author
      Chandra Lynn 9 years ago

      The world NEEDS YOU, Kriz!! I know first hand what’s in your heart and how powerful your words can be. We need strong female leaders and I consider you formidable. Speak, write, direct…we need your voice. We really do!

    • Author
      Chandra Lynn 9 years ago

      I’m breaking through a lot of fears by taking on this work. I keep reminding myself that if it helps even one person, its worthwhile. And, if I don’t try, I definitely won’t succeed. So I’m taking action and giving it up to grace! : )

  3. Author
    Chandra Lynn 9 years ago

    Who needs to give you permission to step into your authenticity and to pay attention to the calling to life a purpose-filled life?

  4. Author
    Chandra Lynn 9 years ago

    My declaration today is to claim what I do, and here it is in a nutshell…

    I inspire and guide anyone seeking impactful ways to achieve higher levels of emotional health and well-being so that they can have deeply fulfilling relationships with themselves and others.

  5. Peg Haust-Arliss 9 years ago

    Happy to be on board!

  6. Deborah Gutierrez 9 years ago

    This is exciting! Can’t wait for more.

  7. In the short time I have known you I never had a doubt about who you are, what your gifts are and how you are showing up!
    I’m honored to be on this ride with you dear soul!
    We got lots to do!!


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