
A common fear is scarcity, that there isn’t enough or that we aren’t enough. It’s amazing how this fear can turn into habitualized limiting thoughts. Recently, as I reported in my last letter, I had a challenge to my financial security. Since then, I’ve carefully observed my thoughts and heard them tell me all kinds of crazy things. I thought of canceling my son’s first birthday trip to NYC (he’s a major Broadway buff), my gym membership (that keeps me fit and sane five days per week), and taking on clients that didn’t align to my future. I didn’t act on any of these thoughts because they were coming from a scarcity mentality…yes, to keep me safe but not to grow. So what did I do? I hired a business coach for $5,000 to help me create a profitable and sustainable foundation for Glow Living. It may sound crazy to spend instead of save, however it created a flow of energy in the right direction that is now opening up new possibilities and clarity about my future.

Don’t worry, my coach is not advising me to try to sell you a bunch of little stuff. He is helping support my plan to continue developing free content and encouraging community engagement around personal growth and healthy living. And, I he his helping me build a proper framework for Root-to-Rise, a high-quality, truly life-changing program for the few of you who want the deep dive.

I don’t need to sell lots of small stuff to make my business work. Is selling a $100 program going to change lives? Not likely. I am developing something priceless that will be part of my legacy. While I’m alive, it will be at a price that keeps me in this purpose-driven role. When I die, it will be in my will to give it to as many people from for free as possible. It contains every tool and skill I know for loving life, and provides a custom blueprint for participants to apply it to their individual lives.

My main point here is that in the face of scarcity, I invested in myself and leaned into my deep belief in abundance. Here in California, we’ve been in a drought for years, and now with Mother Nature’s blessing, we have an abundance of snow and rain. One minute scarcity, another minute abundance. If you are experiencing true scarcity or the fear of scarcity, focus on how quickly the tides can turn to bring you a flood of abundance. Change is something you can be certain about. Things will change. Root down into what you are certain about, and you will weather the storms. Your tree will get stronger as a result of the effort, and your branches will grow to their highest potential. This is what Root-to-Rise is all about.


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