We sometimes will pick the devil that we know over the devil we don’t, just because we’re less fearful of it. Change is often one of our greatest needs.
Chandra Lynn recently shared this amazing discussion with The Light Inside host, Jeffrey Besecker, exploring how the need for change is such a driving force in discovering our roots, allowing us to grow and rise. We are all on a course seeking change- our evolution. The great unfolding of our becoming what is necessary to change a person- is to change his awareness of himself. As Human beings- we all feel a certain pull, driving us towards basic wants, desires and needs. Having needs is not evidence of weakness – it is, at its core- to simply be human.
Three things are needed for humanity to co-exist:
Truth, peace and basic needs. Everything else – Is irrelevant.
We are all on a course seeking change- our evolution. The great unfolding of our becoming what is necessary to change a person is to change his awareness of himself.