Leading During Difficult Times
By Chandra Lynn
Are world events weighing heavy on you? From senseless killings and celebrity deaths to political shenanigans around the globe, its hard to feel light-hearted these days. Even though things are going well in my own life, I feel negative emotions in response to the news.
Marianne Williamson reminded me that we are not the first generation to have to deal with what feels like unsurmountable challenges. But we do have access to information like never before which can lead to the feeling of overwhelm and hopelessness.
So how did generations past overcome things like slavery, oppression of women, religious persecution, genocide and terrorist attacks? My theory is that it was through leadership. Lots of people found peaceful ways to stand up for what they believed in and inspire others to do the same. The list is long…Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr., Ghandi, Malcolm X, Susan B. Anthony, Nelson Mandela, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, and many, many more. Being someone of this significance is not necessary to make an impact. I invite you to find ways that you can lead and inspire within your sphere of influence. Our world needs leaders and no effort is too small because collectively it all makes a difference.
I recently watched two impactful videos led by Marie Forleo on this topic, and I invite you to check them out.
The first was an on how to reconcile feeling deeply sad, empty or depressed — especially when everything in your life is “technically” going fine. She describes how these feelings may be linked to negative world events, and what to do about it.
The second is an interview with Simon Sinek about how to be a great leader and inspire others to do remarkable things. He shares his personal story in the first half and then gives some great insights into leadership in the second half.
There are some Glow Circles members that have demonstrated amazing leadership and I am working on interviews with them to share with you soon. Stay tuned!